Chlorine in tap and pool water has been linked to a rising number of people with food allergies. Chlorine is an endocrine disruptor that also kills good gut flora. Read more…
SOURCE: Daily Mail
Almost Autism:Recovery for Kids, Support & Community for Moms
Chlorine in tap and pool water has been linked to a rising number of people with food allergies. Chlorine is an endocrine disruptor that also kills good gut flora. Read more…
SOURCE: Daily Mail
Why is there such an epidemic of autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and more in our children today?
Here’s my interview with Beth Lambert is the author of “A Compromised Generation” and Executive Director and co-founder of Epidemic Answers.
If you haven’t read the book, here’s the chance for you to get an overview of the perfect storm that’s causing the epidemic of childhood illnesses today.
34% of American children have a chronic disease or disorder like autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, SPD, OCD, developmental delays, learning disabilities and more.
When the number of obese children is included, the number rises to 52%. Why is this the “new normal”?
Share this to listen to the replay.
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Listen in to my fun interview with Curt Linderman of Linderman Unleashed, a NaturalNews Radio show.
We talk about autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, schizophrenia, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, heavy metals, gut dysbiosis, methylation, toxicity, diabetes, Epidemic Answers, GMO foods and the Standard American Diet.
Many studies link gut dysbiosis to the development of autoimmune conditions.
“The gastrointestinal immune system and its loss of function may be the pivotal factor in autoimmune development. Another question begs: how did GI function become compromised, and what other factors are at play?” Read more…
SOURCE: Metabolic Healing
Recovery from autism is possible. Most, if not all, cases have gut dysbiosis, which is fed by the Standard American Diet (SAD) full of sugar and processed foods.
Restoring your adrenal health can improve your mood, metabolism, and immune function. “Common warning signs to look out for include:
SOURCE: The Body Ecology Diet
Having a son with a developmental delay was very hard on me. He didn’t walk until he was 20 months old. This was extremely hard for me because he didn’t walk until 3 weeks before his little brother was born, and I was having to carry him everywhere.
I suppose the bright side is that he didn’t weigh a whole lot, given that he was also a failure-to-thrive baby.
His sensory processing disorder turned him into a barnacle. I felt as if he were permanently physically attached to me. It wasn’t so bad when he was younger, but after his brother was born, it was extremely difficult to deal with two small, crying children at the same time, who both wanted to be picked up and held at the same time.
And then when our nanny left to have her own baby when my older son had just turned 3, his sensory processing and anxiety went full tilt. He was used to having someone always there immediately to meet his needs; now he had to share me with his baby brother. [Read more…]
I’m a Certified Holistic Health Counselor who helps parents recover their children from symptoms of:
Almost autism
Sensory Processing Disorder
Lyme disease
I have recovered my sons’ health with... [
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