Antidepressant Side Effects

Antidepressant Side EffectsA few years ago, when I was going through an extremely stressful time with my older son’s worsening Sensory Processing Disorder, I became very irritable and cranky.  I also developed middle-of-the night insomnia, where I would lie wake for 2-3 hours at a time in the middle of the night.

I went to my gynecologist, who was my primary care doctor at the time, and he put me on Zoloft, an antidepressant.  It definitely helped with the irritability but it, and the Ambien he gave me, did nothing for my insomnia.

I wasn’t crazy about taking pharmaceuticals.  Antidepressants come with many possible annoying and/or dangerous side effects, about which Harvard Medical School published an article:  “What Are the Real Risks of Antidepressants?”  Possible antidepressant side effects are:

  • Insomnia
  • Skin rashes
  • Headaches
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Stomach upset
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Reduced blood-clotting capacity
  • Stomach bleeding, especially if taking NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen)
  • Uterine bleeding, especially if taking NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen)
  • Tics
  • Muscle spasms
  • Repetitive muscle movements
  • Parkinsonism (rigid and trembling limbs, a shuffling gait, loss of fine motor control)
  • Compulsive restlessness
  • Anxiety (ironic given that antidepressants are often given to people with anxiety)
  • Low libido or performance
  • Discontinuation symptoms
  • Self-destructive thoughts
  • Suicide

My search continued because I was also experiencing a whole host of other health issues:  shingles, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, irregular cycles, bronchitis and constant, lingering colds and sinus infections.

Given my own issues and those of my son, I researched the gut-brain connection, especially to find out what effects digestive issues, which my sons had had since birth, had on Sensory Processing Disorder.  The gut is called “the second brain”; most neurotransmitters used in the brain are made in the gut.

This concept was popularized by Dr. Michael Gershon in “The Second Brain:  A Groundbreaking New Understanding of Nervous Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine“.

Digestive issues can also create nutritional deficiencies, many of which can contribute to the initial conditions that an antidepressant was prescribed for in the first place.

Given that neurotransmitters are made in the gut, it stood to reason that working on digestive issues would help all of us, and it did.  I began to sleep through the night without taking medication, my sons’ sensory issues improved (as did their acid reflux), and I was no longer a cranky mommy.


We at Epidemic Answers know that children can be recovered from autism, as well as PDD-NOS, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders and digestive issues.

In fact, we’re making a film about recovering 14 kids in 5 cities from 7 disorders:  autism, ADHD, asthma, atopic dermatitis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, mood disorders and type 2 diabetes/obesity.

Dr. Rusell Jaffe, developer of the ELISA/ACT test, and Dr. Martha Herbert, Harvard pediatric neurologist and author of “The Autism Revolution”, are heading up the film’s medical advisory board.

Something is happening to our children.

Over the last two decades:
* Asthma has increased 300%
* ADHD has increased 400%
* Allergies have increased 400%
* And autism has increased 1500%

We can help.

Many say it is not possible.

But we are doing the impossible.

14 children.  18 months.  1 goal.


Help us help them.  We need your help.  Even $5 can help us get this important film made.  Many people, even many doctors, don’t know that kids can recover from these conditions.


fireNew research suggests that mom’s inflammation during pregnancy contributes to a higher risk of autism.

Inflammation was measured by the amount of C-reactive protein (CRP) in a pregnant woman’s blood.

Results were striking:

  • Pregnant women with CRP in the top 20th percentile have a 43% increased risk of having a child with autism.
  • Pregnant women whose CRP is in the top 10th percentile have a whopping 80% higher risk of having an autistic child.

If you have any kind of chronic allergies, asthma, chronic runny nose, autoimmune, rashes, pain, swelling, digestive issues, etc., you have chronic inflammation.


Why Is Gut Dysbiosis So Bad for You?

Why Is Gut Dysbiosis So Bad for You?Gut dysbiosis is an imbalance of good vs. bad bacteria, yeast and other pathogens in your intestines. This is important because most of our immune system is located in our gastrointestinal tract, as most pathogens enter our bodies through our mouths.

Gut dysbiosis can cause lowered dopamine and lowered serotonin, as well as an inability to remember something in the short term, because most neurotransmitters are made in the intestines.

It can also cause leaky gut (intestinal permeability) which means that waste products that should be pooped out are not and are instead leaking out and causing an immune response.

Gut dysbiosis also causes nutritional deficiencies and can lower thyroid function, as well as cause lowered excretion of waste through the kidneys.

In addition, it causes increased ghrelin and lowered leptin, making you feel hungrier than you should, thereby contributing to weight gain.

Toxins produced by gut pathogens impairs your liver’s ability to detoxify, and because they are stressors, your adrenal glands will produce more cortisol, leading to fatigue and an inability to handle stress.

Gut dysbiosis causes inflammation and oxidative stress, as well as damage mitochondria, thereby increasing fatigue and lowering glutathione, the body’s powerful antioxidant.



Why is there such an epidemic of autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and more in our children today?

Here’s my interview with Beth Lambert is the author of “A Compromised Generation” and Executive Director and co-founder of Epidemic Answers.

If you haven’t read the book, here’s the chance for you to get an overview of the perfect storm that’s causing the epidemic of childhood illnesses today.

34% of American children have a chronic disease or disorder like autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, SPD, OCD, developmental delays, learning disabilities and more.

When the number of obese children is included, the number rises to 52%.  Why is this the “new normal”?

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The diversity of GI flora in infants remained diminished 8 weeks after antibiotic treatment.

This study demonstrates the negative effects of short-term antibiotic treatment on the beneficial gut bacteria populations in infants.  Read more…

SOURCE:  Science Daily


In the wake of hurricanes and floods, mold remediation will be at the top of the list of many people’s cleanup efforts.  Exposure to mold can cause significant health problems, both acute and long-term.

Vascular: blood vessel fragility, hemorrhage from tissues or lungs Digestive: diarrhea, vomiting, hemorrhage, liver damage, fibrosis and necrosis
Respiratory: trouble breathing, bleeding from lungs Neurological: tremors, loss of coordination, headaches, depression2, multiple sclerosis
Skin: rashes, burning, sloughing, photosensitivity Urinary: kidney toxicity
Reproductive: infertility, changes in reproductive cycles Immune: Immunosuppression

Read more…

SOURCE:  Dr. Joseph Mercola