Brain Based Physical Therapy with Janessa Rick

Brain Based Physical Therapy with Janessa RickI interviewed Janessa Rick of Body4Brain, a brain-based assessment and therapeutic treatment approach in Greenwich, CT.

Sign up below for the replay:

Janessa’s approach brings together brain based theory with her 25 years of experience as a physical therapist and holistic body worker.

This approach can help children with their academic, behavioral and developmental skills. It can also help children and adults with rehabilitation needs.

Janessa Rick helps individuals with sensori-motor processing disorders such as autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder.

She uses techniques including NDT, Myofascial Release and Pilates. She creates an energetic, fun and most importantly, successful treatment for you and/or your child.

In this webinar, we also talked about hypotonia, retained reflexes and developmental delays. We also discussed the therapy-based school that Janessa plans to open in the fall of 2016.








What’s so important about inflammation?

Discover 12 Powerful Ways to Reduce Inflammation - small3Inflammation causes pain, swelling, heat, redness and loss of function. Left untreated, it can lead to bodily tissue destruction, fibrosis and necrosis. Remember, pain is a signal that something’s wrong.

Who has inflammation?

Inflammation is a root cause of many chronic illnesses such as autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, eczema, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Help!  How do I reduce it?

Sign up for this free report!  In it, I’ll show you many simple things you can do with the foods that you’re eating to reduce inflammation.  And when that happens, you may not have as much pain, stiffness and swelling.



Klaire Labs probiotic_groupI’d like to let everyone know that I am now offering my clients world-class probiotics from Klaire Labs and supplements from their parent company, ProThera.

Klaire Labs’ probiotics are a known and trusted entity, especially in the autism-recovery world, and the application of their probiotics extends far beyond autism to those with allergies, asthma, ADHD, OCD, SPD and other autoimmune, digestive and neurological disorders.

The ProThera line includes minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and supplements designed to improve the function of the immune system, liver and adrenals, as well as antioxidants, amino acids and enzymes.  They even carry non-denatured whey protein!

To learn more about how I can help improve your symptoms of these conditions, you can read more about me here.


baby crawling on a floorMy older son with sensory processing disorder (SPD) benefited greatly from going to a land-based occupational therapist (OT) for six months.  I asked her what we should do about him learning to swim, given that he had such a bad experience with it when he was 2 years old.

You might remember that he was so overwhelmed by the lights, sounds, the way the water felt, and his gravitational insecurity in the water that one day after class he came home and wiped down half the kitchen to relieve his stress.  That’s a pretty strong reaction from a toddler.  [Read more…]

Angelfish Therapy: Aquatic Therapy for Developmental Delays

Angelfish Therapy: Aquatic Therapy for Developmental DelaysWARNING:  I am a huge, biased fan of Cindy Freedman and Ailene Tisser of Angelfish Therapy aquatic therapy.

Angelfish Therapy is aquatic occupational therapy for children with developmental delays, gross motor delays and sensory issues, especially those concerning water.  This can include kids with sensory processing disorder, learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, PDD-NOS, speech delays, apraxia and dyspraxia.

I began taking my older son to aquatic therapy at Angelfish 4 years ago; Cindy Freedman worked with him for 1-1/2 years.

Retained Reflexes

It was there, sitting on the side of the pool during weekly therapy sessions, that I learned about about retained reflexes.  Retained reflexes are ones that a child has kept rather than integrating as a normal part of development.  They are typically seen in the types of children listed above.

Cindy told me that my son had a retained Moro reflex, which was the reason for his constant state of “fight or flight”, which for him, meant a lot of anxiety and being upset at the drop of a hat, which made swimming difficult for him.

Before my son had any kind of OT at all, I used to take him for Mommy & Me baby swimming classes at the local YMCA.  He would get so upset at being in the water that he wouldn’t be able to learn much at all.  One time he got so upset that he came home and wiped down half the cabinets in the kitchen for half an hour just to soothe himself.

Now that I had learned about his retained Moro reflex, his reactions began making more sense to me.

Is It ADHD or Is It a Retained Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex?

Cindy also told me that he had a retained Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR), which, if it’s not integrated, according to Rhythmic Movement Training International, can lead to:

  • Poor, hunched posture
  • Headaches from muscle tension in the neck
  • Difficulty writing and reading
  • Difficulty sitting still
  • “W” sitting
  • Difficulty copying from blackboard
  • Ape-like walking
  • Vision disorders
  • Find it difficult to stay on task

A lot (75%!) of kids with a retained STNR have ADHD, writes Sally Goddard, author of “Reflexes, Learning & Behavior:  A Window into the Child’s Mind: A Non-Invasive Approach to Solving Learning & Behavior Problems.”

And a lot of times, a retained STNR can look like ADHD simply because of the retained reflex.  In addition, many times Sensory Processing Disorder can look like ADHD.  So don’t put your kids on Ritalin just yet!

The STNR separates the body’s movements from the top half to the bottom half.  It’s used to help a baby push off the floor learning to cross crawl.  If it’s integrated, a baby will uncouple the head’s movement from the movement of the arms and legs.

Sounds like just a minor point, but it’s not.  Many kids, like my son, with a retained STNR never cross-crawled or did so for just a short period of time.  My son slithered backwards for a couple of months when he first started to move, then he army crawled from 8 to 18 months.  He cross-crawled for about a month and only began to walk at 20 months, which is REALLY late.

Cross-crawling helps wire the brain’s visual processing, which in turn affects learning ability.  Think about it:  A cross-crawling baby who can bend his neck to look down at the floor then up at his mom mimics the same motion that a child in school does who bends his neck to look at his schoolwork then up to the blackboard.

Teachers:  How many “ADHD” kids that you see in your classroom have poor posture and lack the ability to sit up straight and focus?  Could it be they have a retained STNR?

Because my son had a retained STNR, swimming was difficult for him because kids (and it seems to be mostly boys) with it can’t uncouple their head movements from the rest of their bodies, so they swim with their heads back and can’t put them down into the water without the back half of their bodies falling down.

So not only does aquatic therapy help with overcoming developmental delays, but it also helps with learning, and, most importantly, helps with water safety for these children.  Do you know that drowning is the leading cause of death for autistic children?

If you’re not fortunate enough to live in Fairfield County, CT, the New York City area, the Boston area, or Asheville, NC, you can purchase their videos for your own education.  If you’re a PT, OT, etc., you can attend their workshops and get certified as an Angelfish instructor.

In closing, you can see Ailene working with a boy to help correct his balance in this YouTube video:

P.S.  My son actually swims now!



Patty Lemer

Patty Lemer

Earlier today, I interviewed Patricia Lemer, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Developmental Delay Resources (DDR), a non-profit that is dedicated to meeting the needs of children with developmental delays in sensory, motor, language, social, and emotional areas.

Today’s interview was phenomenal and full of practical information because Patty has worked with these children for over 40 years, and she knows what therapies and interventions work.

Some of her recommended resources are:

Patty lists many more references in the webinar, so it’s a good idea to listen to it.


smokestacksLearn how toxins and lifestyle factors contribute to autism, PDD-NOS, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, hypotonia, retained reflexes and developmental delays.

In this video presentation, Patty Lemer, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Developmental Delay Resources, explains the top toxins and their effect on the health and development of fetuses, babies and children.

Patty shows us how endocrine disruptors like soy, fluoride, chlorine and flame retardants as well as heavy metals like mercury contribute to these disorders.

Patty also tells us how to enhance our body’s ability to detoxify as well as how to avoid exposure to toxins.



Here’s another reason to eat organic food and stop spraying your lawn:  even low levels of organophosphate pesticides cause brain damage.  Exposure is linked to a decline in memory and slower processing speed.  Read more…

SOURCE:  Science Daily



Why is there such an epidemic of autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and more in our children today?

Here’s my interview with Beth Lambert is the author of “A Compromised Generation” and Executive Director and co-founder of Epidemic Answers.

If you haven’t read the book, here’s the chance for you to get an overview of the perfect storm that’s causing the epidemic of childhood illnesses today.

34% of American children have a chronic disease or disorder like autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, SPD, OCD, developmental delays, learning disabilities and more.

When the number of obese children is included, the number rises to 52%.  Why is this the “new normal”?

Share this to listen to the replay.

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About 10% of kids born with kidney defects have large genetic links to neurodevelopmental delay and mental illness.

“If a physician sees a child with a kidney malformation, that is a warning sign that the child has a genomic disorder that should be looked at immediately because of the risk of neurodevelopmental delay or mental illness later in life.”  Read more…

SOURCE:  Science Daily