Here’s another reason to eat organic food and stop spraying your lawn: even low levels of organophosphate pesticides cause brain damage. Exposure is linked to a decline in memory and slower processing speed. Read more…
SOURCE: Science Daily
Almost Autism:Recovery for Kids, Support & Community for Moms
Here’s another reason to eat organic food and stop spraying your lawn: even low levels of organophosphate pesticides cause brain damage. Exposure is linked to a decline in memory and slower processing speed. Read more…
SOURCE: Science Daily
I was shocked to find out that my high-school friend Roger Long had Young-Onset Parkinson’s. We’re not THAT old!
But I was super-happy to discover that his Parkinson’s is in remission because of his thinking outside the box.
Not only that, but Roger climbed to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro a few months ago without being on any medication! [Read more…]
Many children treated for ADHD may not have it, while many children who do have it are untreated. Read more…
SOURCE: Science Daily
Why is there such an epidemic of autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and more in our children today?
Here’s my interview with Beth Lambert is the author of “A Compromised Generation” and Executive Director and co-founder of Epidemic Answers.
If you haven’t read the book, here’s the chance for you to get an overview of the perfect storm that’s causing the epidemic of childhood illnesses today.
34% of American children have a chronic disease or disorder like autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, SPD, OCD, developmental delays, learning disabilities and more.
When the number of obese children is included, the number rises to 52%. Why is this the “new normal”?
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Listen in to my fun interview with Curt Linderman of Linderman Unleashed, a NaturalNews Radio show.
We talk about autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, schizophrenia, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, heavy metals, gut dysbiosis, methylation, toxicity, diabetes, Epidemic Answers, GMO foods and the Standard American Diet.
Brominated flame retardants are neurotoxic and are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, ADHD and SPD.
“This study is one of few studies and so far the largest one investigating the neurobehavioral effects of brominated flame retardants in humans.
Consistently with experimental animal data, PBDE (flame retardant) exposure was associated with changes in the motor function and the serum levels of the thyroid hormones.” Read more…
SOURCE: Environmental Health Journal
There is no safe level of mercury, and it causes neurological damage, such as autism, PDD-NOS, ADHD, developmental delays and sensory processing disorder.
A lower amount of the antioxidant glutathione means that mercury will accumulate in the body.
Hypothyroidism and autism: 70-80% of children with autism, developmental delays, ADHD, SPD, PDD-NOS are hypothyroid. Dr. Raphael Kellman, a holistic endocrinologist, says that the typical TSH test misses an underactive thyroid. Instead, he recommends a TRH test. Watch the video…
Between 5% and 8% of children and young adults in the world have ADHD. Read more…
SOURCE: Questioning Answers
I’m a Certified Holistic Health Counselor who helps parents recover their children from symptoms of:
Almost autism
Sensory Processing Disorder
Lyme disease
I have recovered my sons’ health with... [
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