My sons have had eczema their whole lives.  It has ranged from cradle cap (did you know that was a form of eczema?) to itchy bumps in the creases of the knees and elbows to full-blown bloody red rashes on the arms and legs.

Pediatricians, as usual (sorry!), were useless in treating eczema.  Their standard advice was to “put a little cortisone cream on it”.  I did try that a few times at first with my older son, but I quickly grew worried about the effects of it on his already-poor immune system.  [Read more…]


“Failure to thrive” is when your child’s weight percentile falls to the 3rd percentile or below or when it crosses 2 or more major percentile curves.  When either of these (or both, as in the case of my older son) happens, it’s an indication that the child is not growing as he or she should be.

I could scream every time someone tells me that I’m not that big or my husband’s not that big, so my sons’ failure to thrive is something I shouldn’t worry about.  Or how about when I’m told to stop comparing my kids to fat American kids?  [Read more…]


mitochondrionBecause of my son’s failure to thrive, our pediatrician sent us to see Vicki Kobliner, a holistic nutritionist, who’s also on the board of Epidemic Answers with me.

Given that Crane Man has constant fatigue and stomach pain, poor growth, mild sensory issues and developmental delays, Vicki suggested having preliminary tests for mitochondrial dysfunction done.  [Read more…]


peanutsI remember when I was growing up in the 1970’s (ahem) that no one had allergies, let alone an allergy to peanuts.  Now, if you go to a school, you’ll see “nut-free classrooms” and “nut tables” in the cafeteria.

Visit the school nurse’s office these days, and you’ll see epi pens everywhere along with a binder full of names of children that may require them.

Peanut allergies are no laughing matter.  They can be deadly very quickly, causing sudden anaphylaxis upon exposure to even dust or oil from peanuts.

Peanutallergy.com reports that 1% of the American population has an allergy to peanuts, while 4% of children are allergic to peanuts.  This means that the incidence is rising in the pediatric population.

So what is a parent to do?  One thing is to learn the soft signs of a compromised immune system that Epidemic Answers lists.  Be on the lookout for projectile vomiting, cradle cap, colic, diaper rash, red ears after eating, chronic runny nose, chronic constipation, a distended “pot” belly and more in your baby or toddler.



vitamin DA deficiency of vitamin D has now been linked to yet another chronic condition:  autism.  Laila Y. AL-Ayadh, head researcher of the study, says that, “There is a growing body of literature linking vitamin D to various immune-related conditions, including allergy and autoimmunity.”

To me, this link is yet another supporting argument for autism being an autoimmune disorder.  In fact, having a mother with a family history of autoimmune conditions is a risk factor for having a child with autism, as the New York Times wrote a few months ago.

Moises Velasquez-Manoff wrote, “At least a subset of autism — perhaps one-third, and very likely more — looks like a type of inflammatory disease. And it begins in the womb.”




We at Epidemic Answers know that children can be recovered from autism, as well as PDD-NOS, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders and digestive issues.

In fact, we’re making a film about recovering 14 kids in 5 cities from 7 disorders:  autism, ADHD, asthma, atopic dermatitis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, mood disorders and type 2 diabetes/obesity.

Dr. Rusell Jaffe, developer of the ELISA/ACT test, and Dr. Martha Herbert, Harvard pediatric neurologist and author of “The Autism Revolution”, are heading up the film’s medical advisory board.

Something is happening to our children.

Over the last two decades:
* Asthma has increased 300%
* ADHD has increased 400%
* Allergies have increased 400%
* And autism has increased 1500%

We can help.

Many say it is not possible.

But we are doing the impossible.

14 children.  18 months.  1 goal.


Help us help them.  We need your help.  Even $5 can help us get this important film made.  Many people, even many doctors, don’t know that kids can recover from these conditions.



diseaseMethylation is a subject that keeps coming up again and again for my sons and myself.  It’s one of those all-encompassing issues like toxicity or gut dysbiosis because so many diseases and conditions are linked, directly or indirectly, to it or rather, a lack of it.

What is methylation?  It’s the chemical process of donating a methyl group (CH3) to a molecule or compound.  This doesn’t sound like much, but this little group is very important to how our bodies function, as I’m finding out.

It not only helps with energy production and builds immune cells and neurotransmitters, but it also processes hormones, detoxifies our bodies, puts protective myelin sheath on our nerves, and can be responsible for epigenetic gene regulation.

Because of its association with all of these essential processes, an inability to methylate is linked to a whole host of diseases and conditions.  Methylation defects are linked to: [Read more…]


hand sanitizerGreat.  Not only is triclosan, the drug in many anti-bacterial hand sanitizers and soaps, an endocrine disruptor (it damages your thyroid and hormonal system) and a pesticide (it kills your good gut flora), but now researchers are finding out it leads to muscle weakness, including cardiac weakness.

So not only is triclosan linked to allergies and any other chronic conditions with a gut dysbiosis component (like autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases, but now it might be linked to Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and heart disease.

Please pass the word.  This is a product no one should be using!



older sonMy Children: Recovered from Sensory Processing Disorder, Acid Reflux, Asthma and Eczema, and getting healthier everyday!

(NOTE:  This is a blog I wrote for Epidemic Answers, a 501(c)3 non-profit of which I am a Board Member.  We let parents know that recovery is possible from autism, PDD-NOS, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and other chronic children’s health disorders.)

I have recovered my sons from sensory processing disorder (SPD), acid reflux,  asthma and eczema.  [Read more…]


Maria Rickert HongHere’s a recent blog I wrote for the Thinking Moms’ Revolution, a very outspoken group of moms of autistic children who question the current medical paradigm.

Because traditional doctors and their medicine weren’t helpful in the recovery of my sons from Sensory Processing Disorder, asthma, allergies, acid reflux and eczema, I was forced to become a Thinking Mom and to learn to think for myself to recover them.

Here’s an excerpt:  “The first red flag was his incessant projectile vomiting, something the pediatricians waved off as colic and “he’ll outgrow it”.

As Thinking Moms know, this would be a recurring theme.  Next came his refusal to eat most solid foods, again dismissed by multiple pediatricians.”